Tropical Loaded Fries

Try out loaded fries with a tropical twist! Pair these loaded fries with our Chef’s Specials Crispy Coated Steakhouse fries. These fries feature a special coating that ensures long-lasting warmth crispiness, making them the perfect choice for this dish.

This is what you need for one portion
  • 400 g Chef’s Specials Crispy Coated Fries

  • 300 g bavette

  • 1 jalapeño

  • 2 garlic cloves

  • 1 avocado

  • 2 limes

  • 125 g cherry tomatoes

  • 1 red onion

  • ¼ pineapple

  • ½ orange

  • 20 ml sesame oil

  • 30 ml pineapple juice

  • 30 ml soy sauce

  • 1 tbsp. apple vinegar

  • 20 g brown sugar

  • 10 g coriander

  • 125 g grated cheese

This is how you prepare your dish
  1. Cut the jalapeño, avocado and half a lime into wedges. Put the bavette in a bowl.

  2. Mix the soy sauce, pineapple juice, brown sugar, apple vinegar, crushed garlic, jalapeño, lime juice (1 lime), orange juice and sesame oil. Pour the marinade over the bavette and put it in the fridge, covered.

  3. Heat some olive oil on the grill and fry the pineapple for about 4 minutes.

  4. Dice the pineapple, halve the cherry tomatoes, chop the onion and finely chop the coriander. Mix these ingredients with the juice of half of a lime. Season it with salt.

  5. Fry the Steakhouse Fries. Meanwhile, heat the griddle and fry the bavette as desired. Then slice it thinly.

  6. Divide the fries over the plate. Place the bavette and cheese on top of the fries. Garnish with the avocado slices, lime wedges, pineapple and some fresh coriander.

Serve your guests this delicious recipe and let them experience the bite of our crispy fries!

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