Pommes Parisiennes skin-on 25 - 40mm
Pommes Parisiennes Pre-cooked Chilled skin on 2000g
Smashed Parisienne Skin On


Pommes Parisiennes Skin On

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Pre-Cooked is our selection of chilled, pre-cooked potato products that make it easy to serve quality potato dishes with little to no prep time.

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    Quality products made of 100% potato

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    Saves precious time and work in the kitchen

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    Easy to portion

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    Easy to add to a variety of dishes


Do you need assistance in choosing the right product or want more information about a product? Contact us, we're here to help.

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    Oven: Product ready for consumption after rinsing with water, cooking: cook the product till it starts boiling, convection oven: cook 5 minutes / 100°C, or bake about 15 min/210°C. Deep Fryer: 5 min/175°C. Microwave: 2-3min/750W.

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    Potatoes, water, salt, stabiliser E450i

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    Storage: 0-7°C after opening, store in a refrigerator for a maximum of 48 h.

    quoteTag icon
    Crispy Coated skin-on fries from Farm Frites are simply fantastic! Deliciously crispy and full of flavour, a real treat for everyone in the park. And it pairs perfectly with the rest of our range of treats.
    Roy Vercoulen, - Hospitality buyer at Attractiepark Toverland – The Netherlands
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    Chef’s Specials Crispy Coated Fries

    10mm skin on
    Hospitality buyer at Attractiepark Toverland – The Netherlands
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    Questions? We're here and happy to assist you.